There are a lot of personal finance blogs out there. You may have already ran across some of the bigger well known personal finance blogs. I previously listed my favorite personal finance blogs. There are literally hundreds if not thousands more blogs focusing on personal finances. I've sifted through a lot of them and below are a list of some of the more interesting and readable blogs you may not have heard of.
"Educate, Inspire, Motivate for Wealth in Money & Life"
Cash Flow Mantra
--They focus on investing and passive income type stuff. I like the writing and the variety of topics.
Canadian finance blog
"The Canadian Source for personal finance"
If you live a ways North of me and are tired of hearing about Roth IRAs and other American centric financial topics then this blog is worth checking out. But then if you're Canadian you probably already heard about it, oh well its still a good one.
Minting Nickels
"One Family's Adventures in Making Money From Nothing"
I love the graphics and photos on this blog. They focus on making extra money from here or there. Its a good read. Did I mention the graphics are great?
And from the golden oldies column...
Bad Money Advice
"Because Mainstream Personal Finance Advice Is Not What It Should Be"
This one is now actually retired. The author went and got himself a real job and stopped writing some time ago. But what he did write is still better than 99% of other blogs are writing still today even if a lot of its out of date. If you've got some time go wander through the archives.