From the Consumer Expenditure Survey data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics we can dig in and find how much the average household actually spends on clothing.
In 2007 the figures for what the average household spent on apparel were:
Apparel, men and boys = $435
Apparel, women and girls = $749
Apparel, children under 2 = $93
Footwear= $327
Added up thats $1,604 per year. The average household has 2.5 people so this comes to $641 per person on average spent on shoes and clothing.
The figure for clothing spent on children under 2 seems a bit high. Keep in mind this is the average and most households do not even have a child under the age of 2. I'm wondering if the figure includes the amount spent on diapers. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. That would account for it being that high on average.
But keep in mind this is the average amount and its skewed high with the higher spending people. Typical spending is better represented by people who have middle income level. So I'll look at the spending of people who make the middle 20% income level.
The 3rd quintile spends:
Apparel, men and boys = $356
Apparel, women and girls = $673
Apparel, children under 2 = $83
Footwear= $322
Thats $1,434 total for the middle income households. With 2.5 people per household that is $573 per person annually spent on apparel and footwear for middle income earners.