I read personal finance blogs quite a bit. Reading other blogs is how I got started with the idea of writing my own blog. There are a lot of great individual blogs out there which offer various views on personal finance.
Free Money Finance -I read this one a lot. FMF has a lot of posts on a variety of personal finance topics. The author is pretty successful with his own finances with a good job and good savings. He offers a lot of great career related advice.
- Jim Wang writes Bargaineering. He's been writing for over 5 years now and the blog covers a wide scope of personal finance topics. Jim also some regular writers that help contribute content. He has a feature called Bargaineering Bucks where you can earn bucks for commenting and then spend your bucks on auctions for books or ING referrals.
The Simple Dollar- This is another one of the most popular PF blogs with over 80k followers. TSD is written by Trent Hamm. Trent started in a big debt whole and dug himself out. One of Trents specialties is frugality and stuff like making your own laundry detergent. He does reader QA's twice a week which I find interesting. Trent has also written a book titled The Simple Dollar.
Get Rich Slowly- Written by JD Roth. GRS is one of the most popular PF blogs with over 80k subscribers. GRS started as the story of JD's struggle to get out of debt. GRS has expanded in later years to add additional authors. JD has a book out titled Your Money: The Missing Manual
The Dough Roller - Dough Roller is written by "DR". They have a lot of good articles. I particularly like their regular feature that explains various tax forms. I often link to those in my weekly blog roundup. DR is joined by staff writer Michal.
Consumerism Commentary - Started way back in 2003 by Flexo, Consumerism Commentary is one of the older personal finance blogs around.
fivecentnickel.com - Written by 'nickel' the fivecentnickel blog has been around since 2005.
My Money Blog