November 11, 2016

Best of Blogs for Week of November 11th

Every Friday afternoon I share some of the more interesting or notable posts that I have seen in the personal finance blogs and other sources for the past week

DoughRoller tells us How to Get Out of a Bad Variable Annuity

The Big Picture shares Picking Investments is Nothing Like Buying a New Car which they picked up from Visual Capitalist


November 4, 2016

Best of Blogs for Week of November 4th

Every Friday afternoon I share some of the more interesting or notable posts that I have seen in the personal finance blogs and other sources for the past week

ESI money shares their thoughts on How to Select a College


November 2, 2016

Annual Increase In Per Capita Health Care Spending 2001 to 2014

Not too long ago healthcare spending was going up around 8% a year.    That has slowed down recently.   I thought it would be interesting to see the rate of change in per capita spending recently.

I got the data on the CMS site where it says that "The National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) are the official estimates of total health care spending in the United States."

Annual rate of increase in per capita spending :

2001 7.5%
2002 8.6%
2003 7.6%
2004 6.3%
2005 5.8%
2006 5.5%
2007 5.5%
2008 3.7%
2009 3.0%
2010 3.1%
2011 3.1%
2012 3.0%
2013 2.1%
2014 4.5%

They only have data up to 2014 so far.

The most recent 5 years have been going up ~3% a year.    However during those years inflation in general was only averaging about half of that in the 1-2% range.

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