March 26, 2010

Best of blog posts for week of March 26th

Health Care Reform passed this week.   Here's my summary of the summaries:
Bargaineering has a "just the facts" bullet point summary of the changes that health care reform brings  House Passes Health Care Reform H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 
Incidental Economist has a summary of Health Reform Implementation : What Happens When
Consumerism Commentary has their take with The New Health Insurance Law and Your Money
CBSNews has Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill

FreeMoneyFinance recommends that you Don't Invest Too Much in Your Company's Stock   Thats a mistake I made in the past.   It didn't really bite me but it could have.

Darwin's Finance argues against tax refund loans with : Doing a Tax Refund Loan? Ask Yourself This 1 Question

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