February 27, 2009

House Price Index (HPI) at OFHEO

Recently in a reply to my "Historical home prices by state" article Commenter Johnny pointed out:

I have found similar information on this site to be of great use:

The "House Price Index" is published by the govt and is calculated by state, region, and nationally. It is primarily used to track 4-quarter appreciation. The OFHEO site will allow you to compare states and regions, and you can download historical data going back to the 70s.
Its a nice tip on another source of housing values.

Like Johnny said, the House Price Index (HPI) at the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight has detail on quarterly housing values for every state and major metropolitan area.

The front page of the HPI site has a graph showing nation wide 4 quarter % change in values. Plus there is a map showing in color the varying % changes by individual state from Q4 2007 to Q4 2008. Most states had "less than 1%" appreciation and most of those were negative. For example you can drill down on the map by clicking on Texas and it will take you to a graph of the four quarter appreciation % rates from 1991 to 2008 for Texas.

Looks like another good resource for information. I'd also remind you about the S&P Case-Shiller home price indices that I previously wrote about.

A word of caution: Any index or high level value is only good for ballpark references. Your individual home's value may have increased or decreased more or less than the overall trend for your city or state.

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