The website has listings of houses for sale and it also has the foreclosure homes as well. So you can do a search for an individual city or zip code and then filter it by foreclosures to see the foreclosures in that area. Doing this you can see a rough number for the amount of foreclosures in a city.
For example if I search for Anaheim, California and look for foreclosures it says there are 11,555 foreclosures out of 35,678 total homes. That means that 32% of the homes for sale in Anaheim were foreclosures.
Note that the data on Zillow is not comprehensive and it may be lacking information. I don't know where they get the foreclosure and for sale numbers so it may be lacking some of either. So this is just a rough estimate of foreclosure rates.
Foreclosure listings on Zillow for some randomly selected cities around the country in alphabetical order:
Anaheim, CA = 11,555 out of 35,678 = 32%
Atlanta GA=5742 out of 31808 = 18%
Baltimore, MD =637 out of 12580 = 5%
Boise, ID =1090 out of 12985 = 8%
Cheyenne WY= 31 out of 390 = 8%
Cleveland OH = 1963 out of 11194 = 17.5%
Dallas, TX =10294 out of 46577 = 22%
Denver, CO =8472 out of 24082 = 35%
Detroit MI=7375 out of 26513 = 27.8%
Fargo, SD =28 out of 1826 = 1.5%
Las Vegas = 13453 out of 27837 = 48%
Madison, WI =47 out of 5316 = 0.8%
Nashville TN =619 out of 14003 = 4%
Oklahoma city, OK= 1141 out of 9740 = 11.7%
Orlando FL =3026 out of 18316 = 16.5%
Pittsburgh PA = 368 out of 3802 = 9.6%
Portland OR =1454 out of 15786 = 9%
Richmond VA = 213 out of 3747 = 5.6%
Syracuse, NY =82 out of 1332 = 6%
Wichita, KS =144 out of 3744 = 3.8%
Again, let me point out that this data is probably not the full picture so it may not be a real reflection of the amount of foreclosures in a specific city. I'm not sure of the accuracy of the numbers at Zillow so take this with a grain of salt.
It is pretty clear that some cities have a lot of foreclosures and some cities do not. Madison Wisconsin only has a few foreclosures on the market and Las Vegas has a lot.
Realtytrack also tracks foreclosure rates. This article from last month has foreclosure rates per state and for certain cities.
October 6, 2008
Foreclosure counts per city on Zillow
real estate