In Investing in a Bear Market at Get Rich Slowly, JD talks about investing in the current market. He suggests you test your risk tolerance and gives a links to calculators : MSN Money risk tolerance quiz and Kiplinger: Test your risk tolerance. JD also recommends that you set investment goals and diversify. Its actually all good advice in general and not just a bear market.
Bargaineering has the article Best International Credit Card where he lists the different fees that some credit cards will charge when using them over seas. The fee rates range from 0% up to 8% so it can make a big difference in travel spending.
Fivecentnickel points out that you can now Track Your Finances Free With Quicken Online Used to be that Quicken Online was $2.99 a month but they are now offering it as a free service.
My Money Blog has a great post discussing long term stock returns in : What Is The Source Of Long-Term Stock Market Returns? (or… Do Stocks Really Always Go Up?)
fivecentnickel also has a post on How to Calculate Tax Equivalent Yield where he shows you how to figure out how a tax exempt investment equates to a taxable investment.
My Money Blog as a post about a coupon for Free Tall Cappuccino + 15% Off at Barnes & Noble