June 9, 2015

Single Life Annuity Rates as of April 2015

I got the annuity rate here out of the Annuity Shopper Buyers Guide April 2015 posted at ImmediateAnnuities.com

Average single life annuity rates from a $100,000 premium :

Life 3% cola 20 year
50 M $397 $249 $387
50 F $380 $233 $374
55 M $430 $280 $412
55 F $409 $263 $398
60 M $474 $324 $441
60 F $447 $300 $426
65 M $534 $383 $472
65 F $499 $352 $458

I have listed the average rates for people 50, 55, 60 and 65 years old either male or female.

So for example if you're a 65 year old male and buy an annuity with a 3% cola you'll get $383 a month for the first month with a $100,000 premium.

The 3 columns are : a simple single life, life with 3% cost of living adjustment (cola) and a 20 year certain payment which guarantees to pay out at least 20 years or life whichever is longer.

Annuities with the 3% cola pay about 30-40% less than a regular life annuity.


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