Shutterfly has a deal right now for $10 off of $10 using promo code TOPTEN details on promo
The promo expires June 14th
Using this promo code you can get four personalized photo 5"x 7" greeting cards made and shipped to you with envelopes for $1.31 total. See screenshot from my shopping cart.
You could make some fathers day cards for dad and granddads or make some birthday or other holiday cards in advance to keep for later.
Note it took a little work to get the prices just right to get this deal to work. I have instructions below.
You can buy custom 5" x 7" photo greeting cards for around $2 to $2.50. Shipping on the first 1-4 cards is just 99 cents. If you create four of the cards to hit a total cost of $10 then you're basically just paying for the shipping. I'd just do 5 cards but with 5 cards they increase the shipping cost to $5.99 and you end up paying more like $6-7 for 5 cards so its not such a good deal that way. But I can get 4 cards at $2.58 each (based on current 20% discount price of the cards) by adding an option for either rounded corners or pearl shimmer cardstock.
I was able to make four custom cards for $2.58 each for a total of $10.32. With 99 cents shipping the total is $11.31 and after the $10 off $10 discount the actual cost including shipping is $1.31.
Steps I took to get the $1.31 price :
1. Create a custom 5"x7" photo greeting card.
2. This is a key detail to get the deal to work : add option for either rounded corners or pearl shimmer cardstock to add 19 cents to cost to hit $2.58 each
3. pick the option for "send my cards to me" to get all 4 cards shipped direct to yourself without extra shipping charges
Once in the shopping cart each card ought to look something like the image below with a total cost of 2.58 each:
4. repeat steps 1-3 to get 4 cards total
5. add promo cards "TOPTEN" at checkout
Total at checkout for me came to $1.31 with 4 cards shipped to my house in envelopes
Note that shipping the cards directly will invalidate the TOPTEN promotion so you have to pick the option to have the cards sent to yourself (send my cards to me).