December 8, 2014

Tons of Double Cash Back Stores on Ebates for Green Monday

Ebates has a bunch of stores offering double cash back today for Green Monday.   I don't know what Green Monday is but who cares. 

A short list of some select stores : 52%
Groupon 6%
Livingsocial 6%
Gap 9%
JCPenney 9%
Kmart 9%
Kohls 9%
Walmart 4%
Sears 6%

To see the complete list go to Ebates and then click on the Green Monday banner in the middle of the sites front page.

Standard Ebates blurb:To get the cash back you need to be signed up with Ebates.  Then simply go to Ebates to get the referral to the the store before you do your shopping.  I also get a referral bonus if you use my links to sign up with Ebates

--This article may contain referral links which pay this site a commission for purchases made at the sites.

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