We normally get our rent paid via check. Lately though, unfortunately, one of our tenants has bounced a check and we no longer will take checks from them. They've paid with cash or money orders. Because of this problem I decided to look into what other methods there are to accept rent that might work for us. I found the different options below and decided to just present them as a list. I have not used any of these yet myself.
Fees : $1 per payment paid by landlord
Method : Electronic bank transfer
Guaranteed? No
Fees : 2.95% of credit or $10 for cash, free for ACH paid by tenant
Method : electronic bank transfer, credit card, cash
Guaranteed? not sure
Fees : flat $3.95 fee per payment paid by tenant
Method: Cash payment accepted at local 7-Eleven, deposited electronically
Guaranteed? Yes
Fees : $9 per tenant monthly paid by landlord
Method : electronic bank transfer
Guaranteed? No
Fees : zero if billing goods/services up to $1000
Method : credit cards via Amazon
Guaranteed? not sure
Fees : 2.9% + 30¢ for goods and services paid by landlord
Methods : Credit cards or bank withdrawal
Guaranteed? not sure
Fees : 2.9% for credit cards and $1.95 for ACH
Method : electronic bank transfer or credit cards
Guaranteed? not sure
Chase Quickpay
Fees : none but one person must have a Chase bank account
Methods: electronic bank transfer
Guaranteed? no