April 2, 2014

Target Now Available on Gathr - $10 Amazon, $10 Target + $10 Living Social for $20

I've previously discussed how you can get $30+ worth of Gift cards and subcriptions at Gathr for $20

Since then  Gathr has also added Target as one of the options for $10 credits.    Now you can get $10 from Amazon, $10 from Target and another option for $20 total.

Personally I like the combination of $10 Amazon, $10 Target and $10 LivingSocial but there are a lot of ways to combine the options.

I can treat Amazon and Target basically as good as cash since theres always useful stuff to buy at those merchants.   So this deal is basically like getting $10 on LivingSocial for free.

For the first option Amazon, itunes, Ticketmaster or Starbucks:

Second choice Target, Fandango, Groupon, Dominos, Barnes & Noble, Toys R Us, Zappos :

The third option has Pandora, several magazine subscriptions and some other services.    In my opinion these options have lower value but theres likely something there you can make use of.

Fourth option LivingSocial, Restaurant.com or Amazon instant video:

I would really only recommend doing this is you are sure you can get good value out of the options in question.   Also make sure to read the 'details' tab on each offering to see how they work.  Some of the credits expire within a month.

Important Note :   Gathr is a monthly subscription service, so they will automatically bill you every month.    However you can cancel at any time so if you chose you can get the credits for just one month then cancel.

Plus if you refer a friend and they sign up then you get another $10 Amazon gift card.

My links to Gathr here are my referral link so if you sign up after following the links here then I'll get the referral bonus.

--This article may contain referral links which pay this site a commission for purchases made at the sites.

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