Right now Macy's has the TomTom One 130S GPS navigator for $49.99. The shipping is about $10 so thats about $60 total. Ebates has 11% rebate for purchases at Macy's so that should get you $5-6 back. Total cost after the Ebates refund would then be around $55. To get the 11% rebate you have to sign up with Ebates then follow their link to Macy's and search for 'tomtom' on the Macy's site. I'm not sure of the exact price after rebate but it should be about $55. You might have to pay sales tax and I don't know if the 11% back is on the $49.99 or the total including shipping.
A TomTom for about $55 is a pretty good deal.
Normally GPS navigators start at $100 and go up. I've got a TomTom One myself and it works fine. I'm a big fan of GPS navigators and I think they can save time and money and avoid a lot of frustration.. I highly recommend getting a GPS navigator if you're at all directionally challenged like myself and/or if you do much traveling.
I heard about the Macy deal at Fatwallet.