A while back I wrote the article Are wood pellet stoves financially practical? In that article I concluded that wood pellet stoves might be a good choice to heat a home in the winter at least if the pellets are readily available in your area.
Recently Trent over at The Simple Dollar discussed Twelve Tactics to Prepare For and Minimize Winter Heating Bills (Besides Woodstoves). Trent has a lot of good ideas in his post about saving on your heat bills. But while Trent didn't think wood heat was a good investment a couple commenters in the thread had positive opinions of wood pellet stoves.
"Last winter we installed a pellet stove and it is the best thing we could have done. It nearly paid for itself in one heating season and my home was warmer than it ever was with our forced air gas furnace."
-- Cindy
"Last year we bought a pellet stove that sits in the former fireplace. We used 1.5 tons of pellets at $250/ton delivered and were able to heat the whole house, rarely turning on the baseboards."
-- Mister Worms
September 6, 2008
A couple positive opinions on wood pellet stoves
energy savings