September 30, 2014

Most Government Employees are Covered by Social Security

Government employees aren't necessarily covered in Social Security so they may or may not be taxed for it and eligible for benefits.  

The document titled Social Security: Mandatory Coverage of New State and Local Government Employees  has specifics on the percentage of government employees people who are in the program.    Turns out that the large majority of them are in SS.

Only 27.5% of state and local government employees are not in Social Security.

It varies state to state.   For each state the % of employees covered by SS is as follows.   Sorted on the left by state and then on the left by the % of employees:

AK 65.6%
OH 2.5%
AL 92.3%
MA 4.1%
AR 90.2%
NV 17.6%
AZ 95.3%
LA 27.9%
CA 43.6%
CO 29.1%
CO 29.1%
CA 43.6%
CT 71.8%
TX 47.9%
DE 94.0%
IL 54.6%
FL 88.4%
ME 54.7%
GA 72.3%
AK 65.6%
HI 69.4%
HI 69.4%
IA 89.2%
CT 71.8%
ID 93.4%
GA 72.3%
IL 54.6%
MO 72.7%
IN 90.1%
KY 73.8%
KS 92.1%
RI 83.3%
KY 73.8%
ND 87.1%
LA 27.9%
WA 87.7%
MA 4.1%
MI 87.9%
MD 90.5%
WI 88.0%
ME 54.7%
FL 88.4%
MI 87.9%
NH 88.7%
MN 92.4%
IA 89.2%
MO 72.7%
MT 89.5%
MS 92.1%
IN 90.1%
MT 89.5%
AR 90.2%
NC 91.7%
TN 90.4%
ND 87.1%
MD 90.5%
NE 94.2%
NM 90.5%
NH 88.7%
WY 90.5%
NJ 92.0%
UT 90.8%
NM 90.5%
OK 91.2%
NV 17.6%
NC 91.7%
NY 96.7%
WV 91.7%
OH 2.5%
OR 91.8%
OK 91.2%
NJ 92.0%
OR 91.8%
KS 92.1%
PA 92.6%
MS 92.1%
RI 83.3%
AL 92.3%
SC 92.8%
MN 92.4%
SD 92.8%
PA 92.6%
TN 90.4%
SC 92.8%
TX 47.9%
SD 92.8%
UT 90.8%
ID 93.4%
VI 94.2%
DE 94.0%
VT 97.9%
NE 94.2%
WA 87.7%
VI 94.2%
WI 88.0%
AZ 95.3%
WV 91.7%
NY 96.7%
WY 90.5%
VT 97.9%

Half of the states have over 90% of employees in SS.     Only 7 states have less than 50%.


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