I recently talked about a survey of Americans asking who felt they were in the middle class vs lower or upper classes. There has been a large increase in the percent of us who think that we're in the lower class. I wondered if incomes have plummeted for a large portion of Americans or if this was more of a perception thing.
I found detail on household incomes for each fifth at the Census.
H1 table - Income Limits for Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Households
Here's what it looks like from 2000 to 2012 :
That doesn't look so good. Incomes are down from 2000 in real dollars in every fifth as well as the top 5%.
Its hard to see detail on the bottom 3 fifth groups given the scale so I'll show those groups separately:
There you can see more clearly the drop of real incomes for the bottom 60% of people.