You've probably heard someone cite a statistic like "X% of small businesses fail in the first Y year[s]". It seems that every time I hear someone cite that 'fact' the numbers vary. I've talked about these varying and potentially misleading numbers before.
A while back Joe over at Retireby40 cited such a statistic and I asked him if he had a source. Turns out he did and he pointed me to the data from the BLS :
Survival rates of establishments, by year started and number of years since starting, 1994–2010, in percent
That site has a chart showing the % of businesses which survived between certain years. The rates vary depending. For example 80% of businesses started in 2000 were alive 2 years later, but only 74.4% of the businesses started in 2008 lasted 2 years. I assume that shift is related to the rough economy during the recession.
While the numbers vary from year to year we can draw some general observations from the data:
About 50% of businesses last 5 years.
Roughly 1/3 of businesses last 10 years.
Those aren't exact but close enough. In fact the 5 year survival rate ranged from 49% to 55% and the 10 year rate varied from 34 to 37%.
I'm not really sure what the BLS does to measure survival of a business. If a business doesn't survive that doesn't necessarily mean it failed. If I retire and sell the business does it survive? I wouldn't think so. What if I move out of state? What if my business is bought by another business?
May 12, 2013
Business Survival Rates
small business