Every Friday afternoon I share some of the more interesting or notable posts that I have seen in the personal finance blogs and other sources for the past week.
The Forbes 2012 Fictional 15 places the dragon Smaug from The Hobbit at the top of the heap. But I distrust the analysis of the list since Smaug was only 7th last year at $8.9 billion and now they say it "jumped 16% from last year to $62 billion". But I think the real story here is that some writer got paid actual money to figure out how much pretend money Smaug, Jed Clampett, Batman and Scrooge McDuck might have.
RetireBy40 discusses a list of the The Best and Worst Jobs 2012
I think its the same source as a best/worst job list I mentioned a couple weeks ago but RetireBy40 has linkage to the complete data with 200 jobs ranked.
FMF has a good take on some Financial Rules that Work and Don't Work
ICantPayMyBill.com has some useful consumer advice if you're in a situation where you are unable to pay a bill. They go into specifics on different kinds of bills and discuss tactics with specific debtors.
MyMoneyBlog gives us a List of Cheap, Basic Prepaid Cell Phone Plans – Under $10 a Month!
April 27, 2012
Best of blog posts for week of April 27th
weekly roundup