April 6, 2012

Best of blog posts for week of April 6th

Every Friday afternoon I share some of the more interesting or notable posts that I have seen in the personal finance blogs and other sources for the past week.

MyMoneyBlog helps us Compare Your Budget With Other US Consumers and the World
They present data comparing spending as percents for America, Canada, Britain and Japan
MMB also shares This Is What I See When I Look at Shopping Mall Directory Maps

This Inc.com article carried on Yahoo says 55-Hour Week? You're Wasting Time
Makes sense to me.  A lot of people work long hours and that can't be efficient.

Zillow reports on several Homes for the price of a car

A Yahoo article discusses Next Great Depression? MIT researchers predict ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030  Interesting but I think their predictions are probably about as reliable as Nostradamus or pulling numbers out of a hat.

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