If you're thinking of a computer purchase from Dell here's one way to use your Amex card and Twitter to get $200 off.. Amex and Dell have a deal right now where you can get a $150 credit on your Amex if you spend $599 or more at Dell.com using your Amex card. Theres also a 10% off coupon code you can use.
1. Synch your Amex card with the Dell deal via twitter and tweet the hashtag #AmexDellOffer following their instructions
2. Buy a $500, $100 and $50 gift card and then apply the coupon code VJ7$295NPV28MN to get 10% off the $500 card for a total cost of $600.
3. You should get a $150 credit from Amex.
4. Consolidate your gift cards online into one card if desired.
In the end you bought $650 of gift cards for $600 and got $150 back so the net cost is $450. You can then turn around and use the $650 of gift cards to buy whatever you want at Dell. Buying gift cards allows you to get $50 extra off via the coupon code.
I saw this at Fatwallet and they have more details and discussion in the forum there.
I have not done this myself. If you do it then I'd recommend you read up on all the details to make sure you're doing it right and not missing any details.