August 24, 2012

Best of Blog Posts for Week of August 24th

Every Friday afternoon I share some of the more interesting or notable posts that I have seen in the personal finance blogs and other sources for the past week.

MyMoneyBlog points us to ThredUP Used Kids Clothing: $10 Free Credit

Planet Money looks back at  Child Labor In America, 1920

GetRichSlowly has a Reader Story: In Defense of Clutter
Personally I think personal finance bloggers tend to criticize owning 'stuff' far too much.

RitHoltz shares Historical US Tax Rates Poster which has the top marginal tax rates for personal income tax, corporate and capital gains from 1916-2011.

RetireBy40 who has recently retired asks What does it mean to be retired?

Money Crashers Personal Finance Round-Up: Give Your Finances a Sporting Chance
featured my article It Doesn’t Really Cost $287,000 to Raise a Child

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