November 9, 2015

Cherry Moon Farms Shipping Costs $9.99 or $14.99

Cherry Moon Farms sells gift basket type stuff.

I had to put an item into my cart and go all the way past entering a payment method to the last steep to find the shipping cost.   Their standard delivery charge was listed as $14.99 for the item I selected.   Buried in a discounts coupon page they have a reference to shipping starting at $9.99.
Their customer care site does not seem to do anything but point to itself.

So it seems their shipping charges are $9.99 or $14.99 for standard delivery.   The item I tested to buy was relatively small and cheap.  

The reason I'm posting this is that I didn't see anything at all on the site as I was shopping until the very last step before I hit the final 'submit order' button.

I have a code for $10 off a purchase at Groupon so I was browsing around there looking for nice deals.  I have to spend $20 to get the $10 off.  If I find the right deal then that can be a great bargain.


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