May 15, 2014

Amazon Subscribe & Save Filler Items under $2

Here's a list of cheap Amazon Subscribe & Save items to fill up a 5 item order :

Bull's Eye Original Barbecue Sauce, 18 Ounce Bottle= $1.27
Salutti Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Original Sesame Oil, 0.17-Ounce (Pack of 2) = $1.12
McCormick Bacon Chips Imitation, 4.1 Ounce = $1.43
San Miguel Japones Chiles, 3 Ounce=  $1.62
The Spice Hunter Allspice, Ground, Organic, 1.6-Ounce Jar = $1.67
Barilla PLUS Spaghetti Pasta, 14.5 Ounce Box=  $1.69  

Amazon changes availability on items so this list will likely grow out of date.

You can buy items above but you're probably better off doing a little searching on Amazon to find an item you actually want to buy.  For example you can find  breakfast cereal under $3.

I've discussed before how you can get a  better discount on Amazon Subscribe and Save purchases if you order 5 items at once.  However if you don't buy a lot of stuff then it can be hard to come up with a 5 item order.   However if your products are worth enough then it can be worth it to add some filler items to get up to 5 items to get the 15% discount.  Say for example, you want to buy a couple cases of Pampers Swaddlers Diapers  that run $45.97 each with a normal purchase.   With Subscribe and save you'd get a 5% get the price down to $43.67.    But if you have 5 items in your S&S order then it is only $36.78 or a $6.89 savings.   And if you're buying two of those then thats double or $13.78.    Adding the 4 cheapest items below to S&S order would only cost you $5.44 total so its worth buying those items to get you a net savings of $8.34.

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