May 24, 2011

Adventures in Couponing Weeks 5-6

I've been doing a little experiment in couponing to see how much I can save with a little effort.   I covered the 1st and 2nd weeks and the 3rd and 4th in previous articles.

I think I forgot to bring the coupons during week 5's shopping trip. 

This Week I used a $1 coupon for cereal and a 50¢ coupon for lunch meat. 

I also had some other coupons that I didn't get out of the newspaper.   Our grocery store gives us coupons directly based on their frequent customer rewards card as well as the checkout receipt style coupons.   Between those we got several dollars worth of savings. 

So all together my savings from newspaper coupons have been  :

Weeks 1-2 : $9.49
Weeks 3-4 : $2.00
Weeks 5-6 : $1.50

Thats about $13 in total savings in 6 weeks.  Some of those weeks I didn't do much.  I pretty easily saved over $2 per week with minimal effort.     I was getting the newspaper free during this time.   If I had to pay for the newspaper then that would have ran me around $3 to $5 per week.  

If I had to pay full price for the newspaper then the cost of the newspaper would be more than I saved in grocery coupons.

I am sure I could have done better with the coupon savings.   I have never done a lot of couponing so to learn what works best.   I also forgot to bring the coupons with me when we went shopping.  

I think our free limited time newspaper subscription promotion is about done.   So I'm probably done with this experiment. 

Bottom Line : I had mixed results.  I pretty easily saved some money with fairly minimal amount of time.  The amount I saved didn't pay for a newspaper subscription however.  With more experience I could save even more.