July 6, 2008

ooma home phone service device

I saw this device called an ooma hub advertised on Amazon recently. The company ooma makes a device called the ooma hub that works with your broadband internet to give you free home phone service. It costs about $250 to buy the system. Thats a decent price compared to a monthly cost for phone service via the phone company or internet VOIP companies like Vonage.

The ooma device supports free long distance within the US and has built in caller ID, call waiting and voicemail. Its a simple box that hooks up straight to our broadband internet and then connects to your standard phone.

Another nice feature of the ooma device is that you can use it together with a basic landline from your local phone company. The benefit to keeping a local landline is that it will still give you 911 emergency service and you don't have to get a new phone number. Using a landline and a VOIP would seem to defeat the purpose of using VOIP, but doing so can help you save costs on your landline by discontinuing extra features. Right now my standard phone bill is about $40 a month but about half of that, $20, is for the expanded features and long distance service charge. So I could feasibly get the ooma hub and connect it to my normal landline phone and then cut back my phone services to the bare minimum. The ooma would pay for itself within a year and give me free long distance too boot.

If you use a ooma instead of a standard phone line or a VOIP service such as Vonage then the savings in monthly fees should pay for the initial cost of the ooma box within a year or so.

I haven't used an ooma myself but the reviews on Amazon appear pretty positive.